#yandere lego monkie kid x reader
lotusarchon · 25 days
nezha is a child in the show isn't he? why are you shipping yourself with a minor and writing romance with him?that's so creepy,,,, how are you talking about dynamicsimp when you're doing worst 🤮
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Found this cute Nezha fanart anyways
I knew I had to deal with one of y'all eventually but I didn't think it'd be this soon. Damn, at least let me hit 100 followers first 😞
Anyways uh. Nezha's first introduction in season 3 came out in like, what, 2022? I'm assuming it is, because I started LMK in March of 2023, before s4 was released and already found the show up till s3 by then. S5 just released this year, of which we've seen a weird increase of Nezha screentime of which I'm not complaining.
Point blank. The Nezha age controversies are getting old and boring. New fans and old fans need to chill out with those issue about the age business.
1) It's confirmed the Lego Monkie Kid version of the deity known as Nezha is an adult.
2) This is a god of an Eastern religion who is still very much worshipped to our modern day. If you did your research, you should be able to take note that Nezha isn't only seen as a child god, but even portrayed as someone older. I'm not a Daoist nor Chinese, so I advise you check this blog ( @/ruibaozha ) for more information on the subject matter.
3) As is the case with modern media and adaptations, different shows will portray religious figures according to what works for their plot. In the movie Nezha 2019 (forgot the title whoops), Nezha is portrayed as a child, as we are seeing a comedic but angsty interpretation of his origins. In the Legend Of Hei, we see him portrayed as a child, assuming for comedic purposes and to bond with the MC Hei.
3.2) If LMK wanted to portray Nezha as a child like his appearances in Journey To The West, and the Fengshen Yanyi (?), you must understand then his design and personality would've been portrayed more childish or at the very least a mixture of mature and childish. We can see this by comparing LMK Nezha and TLOH Nezha = both are stern but where one acts, looks and often shows childish traits, the other acts like an exhausted 25 year old who needs therapy. LMK HAS made children in the past, as we've seen with the Lady Bone Demon's Host and in season 1 a few kids here and there as background characters. If the show wanted Nezha to be a child, I'm certain they would've given him a similar model.
4) If in the instance that, let's say, the god known as Nezha was a child, and LMK Nezha is an adult, you SHOULD separate fiction from religion. Do keep in mind that Sun Wukong is still very much worshipped, however, I have seen fans, in and outside of LMK, who have written heavy NSFW and simped for him. A god is not the same as a fictional character, because by that logic we shouldn't be simping much less writing NSFW of Wukong either, given his story in JTTW where he becomes a Buddha.
5) I do not like proshipping much like any sane person. I also HATE aging up minors in fiction just for something like self shipping or to write nsfw. I have been in fandoms before this one: Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers, and My Hero Academia specifically, and it makes me uncomfortable seeing porn written of actual minors with excuse of them being aged up. I'm not so hypocritical I'd dare to want to do the same, not when I'm uncomfortable with anyone else doing it. If LMK Nezha was a minor, and there were sources to even prove as well within the series he's a child, then obviously, I would NOT be shipping myself with him, much less write romantic/nsfw content with him. I'm an adult, and I don't feel comfortable with minors in general, so why would I want to write romantic content about a FICTIONAL minor??
If you can find any source that proves me wrong, I'd like for you to do so. But until then, you, and everyone else who still wants to entertain Nezha's age; please stop.
I get it. Some of you like to headcanon him as a child so as such, seeing content with him as romantic or nsfw is uncomfortable. I understand, I do; I headcanon Mei as an aroace lesbian so sometimes it's uncomfortable finding any kind of content with her being paired with others. I do understand where you're coming from with your discomfort.
But I feel like, considering season 5 and hopefully if there's a season 6, the whole thing is just dust now. S3 must've been released in 2022, so it's been nearly two years since Nezha's appearance in the show. People headcanon he's a child, and people prefer to like the confirmation he's an adult. We get it, that's what fandoms are, different views etc.
But calling people proshippers or creepy or pedophiles for not adhering to YOUR headcanons is not only fucking stupid, it's just hilarious and way too old, AND just...boring. Especially considering I feel uncomfortable around minors and hate proshipping with a passion. There's genuinely nothing wrong with liking a headcanon, but if someone likes something that isn't problematic and doesn't adhere to your preference, I think you need to breathe a bit.
I was saving this off for last however, you hit the nail on the coffin with this. There is a literal document talking about the disgusting actions of DynamicSimp. If you still choose to like them that's fine, but forgive me for pointing out how hypocritical it is for you to bring up the person who purposely shared porn with minors to someone who avoids minors like they're the rat plague of the Middle Ages. 🤔
"you talk about DynamicSimp but you're doing worst"
Do you mean writing porn for a character who is confirmed to be an adult? Do you mean ensuring that my 18+ blog isn't found by minors and if it is I'll block them? Do you mean supporting someone who's harassed others about Nezha's age?? Do you mean being an absolute creep around children?? Do you mean breaking the boundaries where people have clearly expressed discomfort? Do you mean romanticizing abuse amongst other things for an au clearly being consumed by minors with no regards or wellbeings?
I wonder who's the worst. Me, the adult who only recently turned 18 and has limited his interaction with minors outside of family members, or the however old they are person who has a literal document and their victims speaking up about their actions, and who to my current knowledge has not spoken up about this and is still posting and carrying on without a care in the world?
Well zoinks Scoob, guess we're not making outta this one alive 😟
Edit: .....*disappointed sighs* I think some people really oughta chill out in my comments. Anon, I blame this on you 😭 why did you bring this here holy fucking shit dawg.
Alright. Alright uh.
Okay, so while I do appreciate being told the reasons as to WHY Nezha was "aged up", because a writer wanted to justify shipping Wukong and Nezha...I feel like the entire, "ah, but this says, and that says here-" about Nezha's age is just ridiculous at this point.
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Yes, I understand, this is justifiably weird.
Has anyone else refuted Nezha's age?? And I mean the canon show writers? Has anyone working on Lego Monkie Kid made a statement saying: "This person is disgusting, LMK Nezha is a child." Because, respectfully, unless canon sources provide information on it, I'm not going off based on the fandom opinions.
I'm not happy I have to edit this post to add this, much less try to explain anything, but, oh well.
1) "Ali, you're just trying to justify yourself and keep writing for a child." Listen. I've been groomed and dealt with fucking weirdos my entire life. Trust me when I say whenever I hear about proshipping it SICKENS me to the core. I HATE proshipping. I don't care what the excuse is, proshipping is disgusting.
I'm not mentioning the interesting fellows in my comments because it's pointless and honestly to make drama over this is stupid. But I was given some context to understand where they're coming from, and I do in fact appreciate it. Justifiably I don't blame them for their annoyance/disgust towards the writer Sarah (?).
What I will say though; typically in a situation like this, I'm certain someone in the team would've made a statement about this to explain that the writer is wrong. I'd assume at least one writer, someone OFFICIALLY on the team would've denied this proclamation of Nezha being an adult. I have not seen ANYTHING that says the show denies Nezha being an adult.
2) My friend, who was also in the comments (hi), is a native Chinese and a Buddhist for six years. I also have another friend who I'm not mentioning but ALSO is Chinese and WORSHIPS Nezha. They have more knowledge than someone like me does have on this matter, and I find it really odd how people immediately cite wiki and website sources to say, "Nezha is an eternal child!", and, "No where else says Nezha is an adult."
As I've said. If there are sources including the staff from Lego Monkie Kid that claims Nezha is a child, then I am more than willing to delete any content I've made with him. Full honesty, I have no intention of keeping any content with canon, confirmed minors on my blog.
But not only have I found anything that says the official story writers deny Nezha's an adult, but my friends, who are again, both Daoist and native Chinese, are aware that he ISN'T an eternal child.
If you are Daoist and/or worship Nezha, then by all means you can tell me that what I'm doing is wrong and correct me about Nezha's age. I'm willing to listen. If you also find information where the writers claim Saraha is wrong for her statement, provide it. I'm a person that likes reasoning, and I'm willing to see reason.
3) "Ali, you're not gonna see reason you're just trying to defend yourself again-"
Okay, backstory time: last year when I joined LMK, when I myself was a minor, I thought it was okay to write nsfw content for the character who was Lady Bone Demon's Host. My friends at the time did not tell me what I was doing was bad, so of course I kept it up, until someone pointed out that Bai He (fan name) is actually a minor in the show and was also confirmed by the show's producers. I felt so disgusted about it I deleted all my posts made on my old AO3 about her (which is faeriicrafts and still up surprisingly) and offered a sincere apology to the fandom about writing nsfw content for her. I changed and learned, and now I feel grossly uncomfortable seeing anyone writing nsfw for her despite the canon confirmations.
Justifiably, if more information about Nezha is released within Lego Monkie Kid, of which it's confirmed he's a child, I am more than eager to delete everything I've written about him, and even apologize again for writing nsfw with a minor.
To be honest, I just feel uncomfortable with the comments who are denying actual Daoists for the sake of; "I've done my research, no other sources has said Nezha is an adult, you're lying about worshipping him!!"
It's uncomfortable and really off-putting how you can tell someone that about their religion. Yes, this is for you specifically, that one commenter who jumped in and on my friend. Even if she has long since stopped worshipping Nezha, she very much did once. And I've gone to actual Daoists to ask more information about Nezha and the religion in general, who has in fact confirmed Nezha isn't just a child. I get that this is the internet, people can lie about anything. But it's still uncomfortable, solely because had anyone else claimed they're Daoist or ex Daoist and agreed with your opinion, you wouldn't have said that.
I'll reopen my comments within a few minutes, but don't be a disrespectful cunt. And can you maybe not deny someone about their religion? Even if you don't believe them, that's genuinely not an excuse. Because I know damn well, had she agreed with your statement, you wouldn't have pulled that.
Gods. I can't say I'm not surprised, but I'm just impressed about the lengths people will go for something.
Anyways, I've said my piece. If official show writers (because my Daoist friends have already told me what I needed to know) claim Nezha is a child, I'll delete my stuff with him. If not, then I'm not stopping posting Nezha content.
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ihatemyselfhoho · 11 months
i’m with this scenario on my head for quite some time now-
what would be wukong and macaque’s (separately) reaction when their human s/o accidentally eats a peach of eternity or just somehow manages to get immortal by accident?
their s/o just stand there (like pomni from tadc when she realizes there’s no escape lmao) while trying to process that now they are immortal and the monkeys trying to comfort them but they are actually celebrating this on their heads
sorry it took so long to answer this!!
sun wukong:
So you were on wukongs mountain enjoying life like usual, until you saw a basket of peaches!
Of course you took one, it wouldn’t hurt anyone after all! It’s just a simple peach!
As you happily ate the peach you saw your love of your life! Wukong.
wukong eyes gazed over the peach in your hand and the basket before his eyes widened with realization.
of course your confused and worried so you ask what’s wrong with a smile.
wukong struggles to form his words before blurting out in one breath.
” you just ate a peach of eternity-“ wukong immediately cringes at your reaction.
you drop the peach, with wide eyes.
you’re immortal now?! What about your family?! Friends?! you stare into the distance rethinking your life choices, wukong walks to you and gave you a comforting hug, unknowing of his relieved smile he had on his face.
now you can’t possibly leave him.
(this one is going to be a bit more Yandere)
Macaque asked if you could come over by text, you text him back that you’ll be there in a bit.
once you knock on his door he opens it quickly with a smile.
”hey plum! How’s life going?”
macaque chuckles as he lets you in, you answer his question with a small smile of your own.
“It’s been great, at least so far!”
you smile and sat on his couch, macaque eyes held something a bit dark but you ignore it, he’s your best friend after all.
“want some peaches? I cut some earlier and have leftover.” Macaque asks with a smile.
weird, he really doesn’t like peaches himself, but you accept anyway.
you eat the peaches he handed to you with a small smile, it felt like you shouldn’t be eating this to be honest, like a cookie you stole from a jar your parents told you not to eat.
macaque only watches you with a pleased smirk, you ask him what’s wrong, feeling uneasy with his stare.
”oh it’s nothing to worry about..”
you shrug and finish the peach without a care, you place the pleats down before chatting with him unknowingly becoming immortal.
now you can’t possibly leave him, your forever his, macaque thinks with a smile.
sorry if this sucks I’m like writing this at 3 am lol.
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riuhere · 2 years
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Made a fanart for @/storiesfrom3AM from Wattpad and Ao3 dedicated to her book of oneshots. Her oneshots and short stories are all lovely! Really recommend reading it!
Here's the link to one of her book oneshots:
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Cursed Warlords AU Masterpost
Shadowpeach x Female Reader AU
Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque are mated warlords who rule Flower Fruit Mountain. They plunder and destroy anyone who stands in their way, and they don't care about the consequences. Until one day when suddenly, they lose their powers and get stuck in the form of cubs!
Having to find a way home to break the curse, they run into a monkey demoness who is trailing behind a mortal. Unfortunately, the demoness in question is a lone monkey demoness who doesn't know how to speak monkey. So they are stuck with the woman and the demoness as this strange woman travels.
This woman, who is clearly mortal held no fear towards them. Obviously, because they were mere cubs.
Cursed Warlords Art / Character Designs
Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque - Sketches
Cursed Warlords Asks
#One - Several
#Two - Reader's knowledge on Lmk
#Three - Language
#Four - Language
#Five - Magic Understanding
#Six - Crushes
#Seven - Reader's Abilities and Hobbies
#Eight - How Reader saved Spirit
#Nine - Bathing + extra scene
#Ten - If someone flirts with Reader
#Eleven - Reader's world
#Twelve- Shadowpeach Arc Notes
#Thirteen - Concerns on Artifacts
#Fourteen - More on the Artifacts Debate and ideas
#Fifteen - Spirit's backstory
#Sixteen - Overheard Crushes!!
#Seventeen - 🔞 NSFW Headcannons
#Eighteen - Singing
#Nineteen - Macaque’s Ears
#Twenty - Are the cubs!?
#Twenty-one - Jttw Arcs Idea
#Twenty-Two - Mk
#Twenty-Three - Before and After the artifacts
#Twenty-Four - Reader's Name in the Book of The Dead
#Twenty-Five - Su, Chu Lin and Spirit's dad.
#Twenty-Six - Reader gets mad
#Twenty-Seven - Immortality
#Twenty-Eight - Lmk World bits and pieces
#Twenty-Nine - Time loops
#Thirty - Post courtnapped grooming
#Thirty-One - Monkey's Heights
#Thirty-Two - Big Spoon Cuddles
#Thirty-Three - Annoying Sister In Law
Cursed Arc
Meeting The Mortal
Peaches and Plums
Passing Out - End Credits of Chapter
Boat Ride
The Village
The Forest
Unofficial Chapters
Reader and Mk Talk
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emelinstriker · 1 year
{Twice As Bad AU} Wukong & Macaque ♤ Even Little Things
Art drawn by me.
My little take on @semisolidmind's TAB AU due to peeps asking me to cover that as an X Reader ever since that one doodle I once did for it.
As usual, tweaked some things a bit in the AU just for the sake of the plot- And also cuz I haven't really kept track of all the canon things in the AU, so I'm mostly just using the basic premise of the AU and added/removed some things for the story twist, humor and all that. So please don't take it as canon y'all-
Also, I speedran this within three days to post it earlier than planned, so... Happy birthday, Semi! Have 4k words of ya bois as birthday gift, I guess. :D
TW: Descriptions of death and gore
[TL;DR] Monke have 'yummy' berry if customer have coin.
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♤ ~ Emotional Mix ~ ♤
It started out as a regular day at the market for you.
You owned a little stall where you would sell berries you and your little monkey friends collected. You kept on insisting that you wanted to collect them on your own, but the two ginger-furred and dark-furred monkeys just wouldn't leave you alone. Though, their kindness and willingness to help you did prove useful in the end. You managed to garner a lot of berries by the end of the day. How they managed to get them all? You would never know. You didn't exactly question it much either due to how many you were able to sell. Sales were pretty good today as well... And as per usual, your two little monkeys were practically guarding you and your stall, which you found really adorable. They looked like two innocent and fluffy puppies looking out for their beloved owner. And their cuteness did definitely contribute to your berry selling success.
Though, while they were pretty quiet and polite towards your customers that were just there to buy berries, there were some they truly didn't like to have around you at all... More specifically, those who showed even the slightest bit of romantic interest towards you.
Especially that farmer boy.
God, they really hated that guy for some reason.
Even if they just saw him walk across the street, far away from where you actually were, they would already start letting out aggressive sounds of pure hatred. Meanwhile you would just awkwardly wave at the poor guy. Though, besides the few customers that had interest in you, your monkeys were pretty well-behaved when you were around. You found it adorable how they would even help fill up tiny bags with berries like little helpers. And if they weren't doing that, they would either sit or lie around on your stall or cling onto you while you worked. They especially loved body contact with you, so they mostly clung onto you. All they wanted in return for their help was your affection, oddly enough. No snack either, just affection. You only had to give them little kisses or cuddle them a bit and they were already melting in your arms. Another cute thing they would do whenever you were selling berries was to give you gifts...
Well, it certainly sounds cute in theory.
However, their gifts ranged from not only some simple shiny rocks and flowers, but also to literal little animals and insects... Which were usually alive whenever they were the dark-furred monkey's gift, but were most definitely always dead in the ginger-furred monkey's case. Of course, you would still praise them as to not upset them... And while they were highly aware of your discomfort whenever they brought in animals and insects, they just ignored it. Then again, you never thought much of it since in your eyes, they were just monkeys. Just two simple, silly, little monkeys. Why would they respect your discomforts when they couldn't even talk?
Well, despite your little monkeys not being able to talk to you, they did seem to understand you. Which felt really nice, considering most in the village either didn't trust you or enjoy talking to you... So their company was very endearing and appreciated.
Especially in certain moments...
"What do you mean you're out of berries?" A tough-looking man asked, definitely pissed off. So you tried to stay calm and defuse the situation as best as you could.
"Sorry, sir... But all berries are already sold out. The last batch was sold a few minutes ago. B-But you could come back tomorrow and-" "I don't have the fucking time to come back tomorrow! I need those berries now!" He rudely cut you off.
"I, uh, understand, sir, but-" "I know you still have berries in stock! I can see a bunch in the basket over there!" He cut you off again, yelling in your face as he pointed towards the basket behind you. You grimaced a little in discomfort.
"Sir, those are berries I'll deliver after work to a woman who already paid for them-" "Then give her that money back or some shit, will ya?! Just give me those damn berries instead already!" The man looked like he would jump behind the stall's counter any moment now to launch himself at you, when you suddenly heard very familiar growling coming from behind the man... He turned around, only to see two small monkeys glaring furiously at him.
The man scoffed. "The fuck are those doing here? Are those your pets or some shit?" You gave your monkeys worried glances, not wanting them to get involved and get hurt. This man looked tough and would have no problem getting rid of two little monkeys...
But your monkeys were different.
Instead of backing down, they slowly approached the man aggressively on all fours. Their tails were dangerously swaying behind them as they snarled at him... While they could tolerate the presence of customers in most cases, this was one of the few cases where they really were just out to murder. All they needed was an opening...
Wukong then seemingly stopped snarling for a moment as he whispered something extremely quietly, to which Macaque nodded. While Macaque continued to aggressively approach the man, his brother gave the man one last glare before running up to you instead, launching himself at you. Startled, you stumbled back a bit as he jumps at you. And with seemingly extreme strength, he managed to knock you down to the ground behind your stall. Your stall obscured your vision of the man and your other monkey. You groaned a bit in pain before you looked at the ginger-furred monkey, who just smiled at you with a love-struck gaze. He didn't attack you or anything, his tail just swayed happily as he nuzzled you. You, of course, were confused by his sudden mood change. "Why did you tackle me-"
Then, you heard a scream from the man for just a split second before the other monkey's snarling suddenly stopped. Everything was silent. Suspicious and confused, you held the ginger-furred monkey against your chest while he continued to happily nuzzle into you. You then stood back up and looked towards the front of your stall... The man was gone. But the dark-furred monkey was still there, sitting contently like a good boy where the man once was. His tail happily swayed behind him as well as if nothing ever happened just now...
The man's decomposing body was found hanging from a tree by his own guts in the forest a few days later. According to those who found his corpse, his body was completely mangled. His face was seemingly ripped or mauled off, displaying his skull with his eyes missing. His rib cage seemed to have been crushed and his abdomen was torn wide open. Part of his organs were missing, and a single bloody peach was found buried inside the body. His tongue was ripped off and literally stuffed down his throat, as if it were there to tell him to forever keep quiet... Not to mention all his broken bones that were not just simply snapped, but crushed into pieces. The entire scene was extremely horrifying for those that saw his remains. Some sort of brutal demon must've killed him. Yet the reasons were unknown as to why this man would be murdered in such a gruesome way... What did the man think in his last moments? Was he immediately dead or was he tortured alive? The people of the village seemed to mentally point their fingers in your direction, however. Especially due to how you were one of the last people they saw him with.
That was just one of the strange happenings surrounding you and your monkey companions.
Something else the villagers noticed was the other rather recent murder cases looked similar, though less brutal. Whoever, or whatever, killed the other people also killed this man. But the other victims usually only had their abdomens be ripped open and their organs ripped out, for whatever reason... Though, they all were found with a single bloody peach inside them.
And of course, villagers kept you in mind as a major suspect. Which was sort of understandable since all those people were people who basically told you to get lost and fuck off, telling you that you don't belong in their community. The more people suspected you to be at least involve in the serial murders, the less people would stop by your berry stall. Which in turn made you feel sad and confused... Did you do something wrong?
Your two little monkeys noticed your guilt and self-doubt creeping in, and they didn't like seeing you beat yourself like this over whatever those other humans thought of you.
Thus, they decided now was the time to make themselves known and 'save' you from this unworthy village.
And what better way than to go out with a bang?
So, they decided to help 'sell' some berry bags personally and directly. They packed them up themselves again and snuck into peoples' houses, taking some of their coins and leaving a bag of berries everywhere they went. The two of them were extremely helpful. They came back to you with coins everytime, so you assumed they managed to sell their little bags to happy customers. All would be fine again soon...
...At least, that's what you had hoped.
News spread fast in the village.
A death was reported in the east.
Another further north.
Few more in the west.
The southern area seemed to have multiple dead people already...
People were dropping dead like flies everywhere within the span of just a single day...
The entire panic rising within the village only seemed to enhance your uneasiness as well. You were mostly outside around your stall after all... What if this so called serial killer found you? Or perhaps there was a deadly virus going around and you shouldn't even be outside in the first place...
You held your monkeys close in worry as you feared for their and your own safety, standing behind your stall once more. While you were feeling uneasy, your monkey companions only seemed all too happy and content with no care in the world as you let them nuzzle into you with cute little chirps. Sighing, you looked at all the berries you still haven't managed to sell. Feeling a little hungry, you decided to eat a few of the berries you had. After taking one of the berry bags the monkeys had packed, you grabbed a few of the berries and were about to eat them.
Suddenly, the ginger-furred one stopped you by quickly switching from clinging onto your chest to clinging onto the arm that was holding the berries, stretching his body from your arm up to your hand to clasp his own little hands around it, keeping you from eating the berry. He looked at you with seemingly slightly concerned eyes, shaking his head as he let out quiet noises, which sounded like he was begging you not to eat them. It was strange how strong this little monkey actually was... His tiny hands were preventing you from even opening your hand. The dark-furred monkey also seemed to join in on stopping you from consuming those berries as he nuzzles into your neck, wrapping his tail around the arm that's holding the bag. The sight must've looked funny to others if they were passing by, to be honest.
Confused, you decide to just listen to the monkeys and not eat the berries... Maybe they were just upset that you'd wanna unpack and eat the berries they had so nicely packed for customers earlier. Which would make sense.
Another day had passed and...
Where was everyone?
You set up your bags at your stall and were patiently waiting for someone, anyone, to even just walk past. However, everything was silent for a few hours. Dead silent for a village that had a bunch of gossip going around. Not even your monkey companions were following you this morning, oddly enough. This only added to your fear since those little guys were like your comfort pets.
Another hour passed and finally some sound was heard in the distance. Were those... screams?
Now more on edge than ever, you decided that maybe you should sit this day out on trying to sell... You didn't exactly want to lose your life to some massacre or virus after all. A bit panicked by the scream, you quickly tried to pack up the little berry bags into a basket. But as you were starting to pack up, you could hear a male voice fake coughing to grab your attention. Startled by the sudden noise after all the dead silence, you almost dropped one bag before you turned to face the person in front of your stall... Or, uh... Monkey...?
This dark-furred monkey seemed familiar... Maybe he was related to one of your little monkey friends?
He smirked at you as he leaned against the stall, his tail swaying slowly behind him. "Hey there, sugarplum. Did I arrive a bit too late? My brother and I heard you sell delicious berries here."
You waved your hand dismissively, nervous as you never had a monkey, or rather a demon in this case, being a customer. The nickname was also making you a little nervous, but maybe he was just one of those people who give everyone they see nicknames. "Oh- No, no- You're not late- I just... Didn't think I would get any customers today..."
He leaned in a bit closer to you. "Oh? Why's that? Aren't your berries said to be the best in this village though?"
"Uh, well... Yes, but usually some customers would've already bought some at this time in the day... But you'd be my first customer today." You admitted sheepishly. He only seemed to grin... You didn't know he could hear your anxious heartbeat. He knew you didn't exactly feel safe. But you were still trying to be calm and polite towards even a dangerous-looking demon him. Which he found cute. That's when his ear twitched as he heard something you couldn't hear, making his grin turn into a more... seductive one.
"I'm actually not here to buy any of those bags you're offering. I am interested in one specific berry from your stall, however."
You blinked at him in confusion. "...What berry? They're all pretty much the same?"
"Not all of them." He responded. The simian chuckled as he looked at you with intent. "There's one berry my brother and I have been keeping a close eye on for quite a while now, and we want to claim that berry for ourselves... It simply sticks out. Just like a delicious peach amongst a bunch of mediocre berries. My brother's words, not mine. But I do have to agree with him on this one." He then leaned in a little closer to you, still giving you this sort of seductive grin. "And as an honorable and kind merchant, surely you would love to fulfill a customer's simple request... Right?"
His deep voice made him sound so smooth, but his words and the way he said them also just sounded... Off... This was not a regular exchange for food, that much you could tell. But before you could reply, you heard another voice coming from behind you. "Well, well, well... How's business? Did I miss anything, Macaque?" You turned around in shock, noticing a ginger-furred simian behind you. Some sort of red and gold staff is held loosely on his shoulder as he smirked. Though, the thing that set you off the most were the clear blood spots on his fur, his clothes, and especially on one side of his staff...
"Nah, you didn't miss a thing. I was just mentioning what we wanted to 'buy'." Macaque responded with a shrug as he leaned back a bit, though still resting with his arms on the stall's counter.
They could clearly tell you were scared. And of course, as your beloved monkeys, they wanted to make you feel as comfortable around them as possible. So, maybe a little bit of an introduction would make things easier. The ginger-furred monkey raised his free hand with a little wave, smiling kindly as if he didn't just murder humans a few minutes ago. "Hey, peaches! My name is Sun Wukong. Legendary Monkey King and Great Sage Equal To Heaven! Also strongest demon you'll ever see as well as the most sexy monkey in existence- Aaaanyway, this is my sworn brother, and second-in-command, the Six-Eared Macaque." He said to break the ice, gesturing towards the dark-furred monkey as well.
"Just call me Macaque. And him Wukong." Macaque added with a bit of a shrugging hand motion. Then he moves his hand just enough to point towards his brother with a taunting, shit-eating grin. "It's much easier than Six-Eared Macaque and whatever the fuck long ass title Wukong decided to give himself." He grins smugly, to which Wukong huffs in a rather arrogant way.
"Well, excuse me for having achieved more in life than you." Wukong retorted.
"Great Sage Equal To Heaven was not an achievement if you practically begged for it."
"But Warlord was."
"You didn't even name that title in your introduction though??"
"I didn't wanna make them feel more anxious than they already are, okay??"
"And since when are you the most sexy monkey in existence?? That's bullshit and you know it."
"Hey! That title may be a tiny bit opinion-based, but it is an accurate description of me."
"Could you stop letting your ego go to your head for like five minutes? I'm still the brains in this duo. And the brain doesn't need the muscle's ego surrounding it."
"...Okay, now this is getting fucking personal, you goddamn hypocrite-"
To be honest, you weren't exactly scared at this moment anymore, just confused and uncomfortable due to them arguing and practically being so close to just claw at each other's throats over petty titles. Macaque rolled his eyes at Wukong before turning back to you, trying to get back on topic to avoid Wukong getting pissed at him over nothing again. "So about that 'peach amongst berries' talk-" Suddenly, Wukong quickly wrapped an arm around you, pulling you against his blood-stained armor with a grin. His annoyed mood immediately flipped like a switch to a more love-struck one again.
"Oh? Did our peaches agree? Was my pick-up line enough to convince them~? Did you tell them about the real us yet?" He hummed. You grimaced a bit in discomfort at him suddenly touching you so casually. Especially because you could tell he reeked of death... Was... Was he the one who killed those people...? The more you thought about it, the more connections clicked in your mind... The peach references, the way people described the latest murder of the man who yelled at you, the fact that for some reason it's all connected to literal demon monkeys...
Your heartbeat rose up, making Macaque smirk. "Well, not verbally... But I think they're starting to understand what's happening on their own. What a smart human we've picked!"
"Y-You- Wh- Wait what-" You stammered out in shock, definitely now more scared than ever before. Wukong quickly picked you up into his arms after making his staff seemingly disappear into thin air. His strength was no joke either as he clearly didn't struggle at all in holding you. His tail was happily moving behind him in excitement.
"C'mon, Macaque. We got what we came here for." Wukong stated as he walked a bit further away from your stall. You attempted to escape by trying to move out of his grip, but despite barely even gripping onto you, you were simply just flailing around a bit, clearly unable to escape your cage that were his arms. He simply ignored your attempt at an escape as he smiled contently, giving you a very familiar love-struck look...
That reminded you of your little monkey companions. Your heartbeat spiked and Macaque took notice. He raised an eyebrow at you in confusion because your heartbeat didn't change much since you started flailing in Wukong's arms. "Is something wrong, (Y/N)?"
You stopped in shock, looking at the dark-furred monkey with wide eyes. "W-Wh... H-How do you know my name?"
Ah. Right, right. You didn't know yet.
Macaque chuckled as he cupped your cheek with you still in his brother's arms. "Well, you see... We sorta picked up your name during the weeks, or I guess months at this point, when we were helping you around the village. You know, packing up berries and all that... We even made sure the latest batches had the freshest type of toxin for the best quality!" He grinned maliciously as he crossed his arms. Your mouth hung agape in shock as some tears gathered in your eyes...
"You... Y-You were those two monkeys...?" You asked quietly in disbelief... All those deaths... If they put those toxic berries in the bags you were paid for... Didn't that automatically make you a form of accomplice in their schemes? And you got paid for basically allowing them to kill all these people. You started to sob, "...Oh my god... No, no, no... This- T-This can't be- I-I would never h-help... kill- I-I d-didn't mean t-to-"
Wukong then leaned his head down a bit to kiss your forehead with a faint blush and a soft smile. "Shhh... It's fine, peaches. Don't cry. You can just put all the blame on us if that helps." He said quietly, trying to sound comforting. The warlord clearly didn't care about all the dead people, he only cared about wanting to see you smile. He summoned some form of cloud and hopped onto it with you still trapped in his arms. Then he gave his second-in-command a malicious grin. "Macaque, I'll take them home. Sweep through the village one last time. If anyone is still alive, you know what to do."
Macaque returned his own malicious grin as he bowed a little. And with his bow, a shadow-like portal opened up beneath him, swallowing him into the ground. Meanwhile, you could only helplessly watch as Wukong made his cloud fly high up into the skies at pretty high speeds. If you managed to escape his grasp now, you would just be dead. Looking back towards your village, you could see bodies lying outside, most had no blood as they probably died to the berries, but some were clearly attacked earlier by Wukong... You also witnessed houses collapsing within giant flames...
Even the sky above the village itself seemed to look doomed from afar...
You could even still see another human begging for help before being tortured by Macaque's shadows...
You were just silently crying as Wukong took you away to Flower Fruit Mountain, which would soon become your new home. Whether you would like it or not. You were theirs now. And it all simply started with some small berries...
If only you had known that even the littlest of things could snowball you down to hell.
[ Masterlist ]
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HELP!! I RETOOK THE QUIZ AND I GOT THE MONKEY KING!!! What makes this more ironic is the fact that all of the AI characters on my character, AI app are LMK characters and most of the yander AI characters that I have are mostly Sun Wukong
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kyohaku-kannen · 1 year
*Pulls up in the sonic drive through* Uhh- can i have a Yandere! Sun wukong x Reader x Yandere! Macaque? uhh- yeah thats all, thank you!
˗ˏˋ 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐌 'ˎ˗
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𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 were you supposed to know that this would have happened, when you had gotten that dumb dating sim. All you wanted to do was play a cool Lego Monkie Kid dating sim that you had found. No, instead you found found yourself running down a dark hallway. Stumbling slightly, you were quick to slip into an empty class room. Looking around, you tried to find a not so obvious spot to hide.
"Fuck.." There weren't many options, but you did noticed a vent.. the screws weren't in all the way...
"Peaches~" Slowly, Wukong walked down the hall. He was searching desperately for you, he didn't want you to slip away from him... Not again..
"Wukong.." He had been reaching for a nearby door, when he'd heard a familiar yet- oh- so annoying voice. Sighing he looked over and there stood Macaque, his arms crossed and his normal smirk being replaced with a frown.
"What are you doing here." Wukong grumbled in annoyance as he turned to face Macaque.
"I should be asking you the same thing."
"I'm searching for something." Wukong gave Macaque a dismissive wave and opened the class room door.
"Your looking for Y/n." Stopping, Wukong looked over his shoulder and at Macaque. He looked at him with a dark glare, slowly letting go of the door handle.
"... Back off..." Wukong threatened.
"I don't think I will." Macaque brushed past Wukong and made his way into the room. He looked around in search for you, but you were no where in sight.
"Hmm.. so she wasn't just running from me.. it's a shame, I could have caught her during her club time..." Macaque huffed in annoyance, looking back at Wukong. Wukong crossed his arms and leaned agaisnt the door frame, his tail flicking in annoyance.
"Maybe if it wasn't for you, I would have caught her already."
You were having a hard time staying quiet. Sure the vent was actually a really good hiding spot, the dust probably not allowing them to smell you.. can they do that? You didn't know and you didn't want to find out. But either way, the dust was making you want to sneeze. Just to add on to how bad it was, you could feel a spider crawling up your leg. It's taking all of your willpower, just to not jump out the vent and slap the damn thing.
'And of course they're still fighting..'
You couldn't help but to be annoyed that the two of them were still in the room. They kept throwing petty remarks and insults at each other. It was getting tiresome and made you just want to shut them up. It was surprising that they weren't trying to kill each other right now. You couldn't help but to roll your eyes at their banter.
"How about this-" Macaque had taken a hold of Wukong's scarf and gotten in his face.
You were surprised by Macaque's sudden movement, and honestly you should be finding a way out the situation. But to be fair, there was no way you were going to crawl through these vents. You have absolutely no clue how people in shows do it, but you aren't looking to get stuck in a damn vent. So with that, you decided to sit and watch, besides the drama would entertain your boredom.
"You and me both know she won't choose between us, it's obvious that she loves us both~" Macaque began and Wukong seemed to have raised an eyebrow at this. He was a bit more interested in seeing where Macaque was going with this.
'I'm literally running from both of you!'
You thought with annoyance, although to be fair.. they were the two love interests you, had interacted with the most when playing the game.
"So why don't we share~" Macaque finished, slowly looking over to the vent. Wukong followed his gaze.. very interested in this new proposal.
"Shit." You muttered out in both fear and defeat, seeing them both look in your direction.
'I forgot about his hearing!'
Yeah, so not only did you have to deal with suddenly getting pulled into the dating sim you played. You had to deal with getting pulled right out of your hiding spot, and into the arms of two lovesick immortal monkey's.
"You can't hide from us~" Macaque whispered into your ear, making you flinch slightly. There was no way you could handle him whispering in your ear like that.
"You belong to us~" Wukong chuckled as I kissed at your neck. Your brain was practically malfunctioning at this point, sure you knew that this situation was bad.. but.. well your a fucking simp still! What the hell were you supposed to do while stuck in-between Wukong and Macaque, who wouldn't stop kissing at your neck.
"I-" You don't even know why you tried to speak, there was no use. There was no way they were going to listen anyhow.
'welp.. this is my life now...'
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I'm a fucking idiot, my apologies for the lack of updates. I've been trying to sort crap out, finally figuring out how to make a draft on ao3(I'll be posting on there soon-) And doing a bunch of other things in life. I'll try to focus on writing some more. Also I had something else written for this request, I knew where I was going with it. I didn't like it though and just scrapped it, but I'll throw it up anyway. I'm so sorry, I didn't proof read either of these!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
𝐁𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐎 see and interact with ghost was something that ran in her family. Like some sort of psychic ability, an ability she never asked for..
"Why the hell do you love fruit so damn much." She grumbled out under her breath as she looked down at her notebook. Words not in her own handwriting were scribbled across the page. Closing her notebook, she glanced up to see everyone else also seemed to be leaving. Sighing she began to pack her belongings, choosing to ignore the message that had been scribbled across he notebook.
'He'll have to do without peaches for today, I'm far too busy for his antics.'
For who knows how long, she'd been being bothered by two anonymous ghost. The only reason she knew it had been two, is because of the different behaviors and handwriting. One more mischievous and dramatic with neater handwriting and the other a bit laid back and chaotic with messy handwriting. It did help more that whenever either of them wrote anything, they kept it color coded.
"Y/n!" Looking over her shoulder, she couldn't help but to smile seeing one of her more newer friends.
"Hey Nick." Nick now walked besides her and held out a cup of coffee for her to take. She was startled by this kind gesture but gave a soft smile in response.
"You didn't have to you know." She hummed as she carefully took the coffee cup.
"Well of course I had to! You helped me out quite a lot!" Nick protested as he let out a small chuckle.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Anyway, my apologies for not posting more, please have a good day/night and thank you for reading this!
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yandere-chocolate · 2 months
A concept has been scuttling around in my head. A reader who is PETRIFIED of storms and their roommate Macaque who can't sleep listening to their whining. Desperately need a comfort fic TwT
I'll take a shot at it!
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Macaque didn't necessarily need to sleep, but he liked to. It was a great stress relief, and he needed that after living as long as he has. He drifted off to sleep one night until he was awoken by your screams. I leapt out of bed and slipped into the shadows. It was a demon, for sure, and he was going to make whoever was trying to hurt you pay dearly for even thinking about it.
As Macaque moved from the shadows and into your room, he was confused. No demons anywhere, but you were shivering. It was a trick, it had to be.
"Hey kid," he spoke, "what's wrong?" Macaque asked, swiftly moving to your side and wrapping an arm around you protectively. To say he was confused when you told him it was a severe fear of thunderstorms was a bit of an understatement. The demon had been beaten, betrayed, ripped to shreds, and even enslaved, so he did not understand how anything could fear simple thunder. But you were only human, and he had to remember that.
"Hey, it's just thunder, kid... nothin' to be afraid of." This didn't work, of course, it just invalidated your feelings, but he still couldn't understand. But he wanted to help.
"Look, how about I keep you nice and warm and safe tonight, okay sunshine?" He teased, collecting you in his arms as best he could. The demon snuggled up to you in the bed and heard your fearful whimpers as thunder wracked the sky and rain pounded against the window. His tail curled up around your leg, "Don't worry. I'll protect you. I love you."
It wasn't common for Macaque to say such a thing, but it warmed your heart just a little bit to have this demonic simian protectively around you, almost as if shielding you for the storm.
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angelzlibrary · 1 month
Hi, It's Ekko/Angel. I know this isn't what you guys would want to hear from me or this blog, however as someone with a following I feel this is important to share.
Dynamicsimp/Puppitlurker is a prominent figure in the LMK, FNF, and most recently Pressure spaces. As a former friend and colleague to them I wish to share not only what kind their behavior towards minors, friends, and me. The document linked below has all of the information needed and I ask those who read to please reblog and share so they don't harm others.
please do not harass anyone mentioned in this doc, including Puppet, as I do not condone it.
Edit: please do not try to start back and forths in my replies/reblogs. You are allowed to have a discussion but it does not need to be on my blog.
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As a fan of lmk that has watched a few episodes and has read multiple fanfics with oc/reader inserts to the point I’ve been spoiled up to a certain point on certain things I feel the need to say that the main group of characters need a friend that’s not involved in ANY hero-type stuff , nothing special, no powers and not a decedent or parallel of the past , just some dude who likely works at a corner shop or something Like an emotional support person who doesn’t have anything special about em that the main group maybe see once or twice a week. Just some person, nothing too big going on in their life besides maybe a important family thing like someone getting married. They all need a sense of normalcy in their lives at this point
You may use this as fic inspiration if you want to
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pamgkrthwrites · 1 year
Brotherhood Yandere Headcanons
Warning, the following content has disturbing/triggering themes such as; Yanderes, Unhealthy/Abusive Relationships, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Isolation Murder, Slavery, Chocking, and others. I do not support or encourage these themes or actions, they are merely written fictional events for entertainment. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20.
Edit(24/06/2023): Peng as been revealed to be non-binary, this most has been edited to respect their pronouns.
Azure Lion
He in denial that he is a Yandere.
He meets you while he is in his years of mourning for his friends, befriends you, and falls in love with you.
Manipulates you into thinking all he wants is your safety.
Is weirdly obsessed with you sitting on his lap.
He ends up making himself believe he doesn't want you to contact anyone else is because he has trust issues because of Wukong and Macaque.
Yeah, sure.
Regardless, he is gentle with you.
He does try to pressure you into having children with him though.
If Wukong every touches you, he will try to kill Wukong.
The most insane out of the entire group.
They are like Wukong, falls in love with you on sight and kidnaps you.
Unlike Wukong though, they isn't going to lock you in a cave and hide you as their secret little toy no no no
They put you on a fucking collar and leash and has you crawl on your hands and knees and follow him.
Brags to the other members about you and encourage them to touch you.
In their mind, it doesn't matter because they know you are only theirs and him giving him friends permission to touch you proves it.
Will spit in your mouth and says they are watering you.
Like putting their hands around your neck and saying they'll kill you just to see your scared face
If you die, they'll put you in this room where all their's previous darlings are and dress you up like a doll.
He's a recovering Yandere. Knows he's a yandere and is trying to correct himself.
He warns you when you enter a relationship with him. He is the only yandere that if you ever call him out on his behaviour, he will actually listen and correct himself.
If you break up with him, he makes his friends hold him accountable and he's serious about it.
He is very protective of you, and that includes of himself. He doesn't want his tusk to hurt you.
Unlike Peng, he doesn't want others touching you but he tries to hold in his possessiveness. He does communicate to you he doesn't like it and appreciates it when you go out of your way to not touch other people.
When you wear something scandals, he tries to keep himself in his chair and not touch you.
He views you as a price of artwork.
The thing that will make him go full yandere again is if he sees someone hurt you.
You will end up being covered in the blood of whoever hurt you.
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silkythewriter · 2 years
Hello! If you are still open can I request these two characters from LMK (Lego Monkie Kid)?
YANDERE! Sun Wukong and YANDERE!Macaque the six-ear monkey (together) with a Y/N who extremely fear people who are stronger than them so they always hide when meeting one
Y/N: they are a person that has Social anxiety and overthinks alot even in small situations and they always hide behind something that is big enough to hide them (EXAMPLE: BIG Rock) (when their trust one is not there) and hide behind their trust one (EXAMPLE: Hiding behind pigsy) (when their trust one is there) when meeting a stronger person. And it took REALLY long to get their trust.
Sun Wukong meet them beacsue M.k introduced them to him
Macaque meets them on accident (which you can choose how /3)
I hope you can do this!! :D (NOT FORCING)
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꧁𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬꧂
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲: silkythewriter, formally known as weirdowithahat
𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲/𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: reposted by: unknown on Pinterest and crated by flying bark
𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝/𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: sublieu
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Simon Lucas
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: yanderes, Obsession, stalking, toxic relationship, OOC macaque, OOC sun wukong . ALSO JUST WANNA AGAIN, thank you guys so much for the request!!! <3. You guys and this fandom are truly awesome!!!!
Swk: sun wukong
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝:
Headcanons began now
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I feel like sun wukong and macaque would find it adorable. Yet they would try their best to help you in the situation.
Like for example gaining your thrust, even if it takes a good while, it better for you to try hiding behind them then pigsy or anyone else. These two monkey boys get jealous at the smallest things
The swear to protect you no matter the cost so when anyone villainous or to powered shows up you know it’s about to be a show not to mention how sun wukong and macaque like being show offs while doing so
If both of them know the person will be a bit of a struggle to put down if they are a threat. One would carry you off to MK as the other fights. They only trust Mk with you cause he is the only one with powers such as theirs and well he’s the one they know the most of course!
When Mk introduced you to sun wukong, sun wukong was immediately memorized, especially by your cute little movements no one else but him noticed. Like the way you clutched mks sleeve while nervously, or the way you but your lip when you thought hard, or even when you played with your fingers to distract yourself from uncomfortable situations
But to sun wukong dismay soon macaque learned about you one way or other. They both budded heads with each other constantly due to you
They did come to a resolution after one incident that made them work together to save you from a outta control demon. I know sun wukong is immortal but holy hell did that give him a death scare
They keep you close and follow you anywhere, where ever you go they go. Even if your just rounding a small street Conor to a store they’ll never be too far behind always trailing right behind you.
They usually like teasing you when you hide behind a rock or anything, mainly sun wukong but if it actually turns out serious and you end up hurt these boys are going to go CRAZY
Whenever you get hurt they are most differently fighting and blaming each other, while also smothering you and making sure your okay
To be honest their like your personal body guards anywhere you go. Like I mean anywhere 😭
Macaque is horrible at social situations even with his slide guy mask. So he understands your pain, aswell as sun Wunkong a bit, but he’s more social then both of you so when it comes to talking or anything it’s usually up to him
Pigsy catch up’s to this and tries standing up to them but….let’s just say he stayed silent real quick -_-💧
Over all these two monkey boys are very overprotective of you so you better get use to two magic monkeys following you around 24/7 💧 I wish you luck reader -_-💧
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miffysrambles · 1 year
Hi 👋
how about Yandere Ao lie how did it all start and how does it continue
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Yandere Ao Lie:
Ao Lie first saw you when his younger ancestor Mei introduced him to her friends, and you were one of them. 
He felt twists and flutters in his chest when his eyes laid upon yours, he had never felt these feelings but they were intoxicating and addicting.
He needed more.
It started off innocently enough, staring at you when you were in the area and blushing whenever you got at arm's length from him.
He then started to realize he was feeling these things because he was falling in love, ‘Strange…’ he thought. ‘I thought only mortals felt love…’
He would cover his face with his sleeves as he softly laughed from how nervous he was to be so close to you, they shyness would go away once he got to know you better.
By “getting to know you better”, it’s actually just him stalking you. 
Watching you through your window while you sleep, following you whenever you go out in public, etc.
He doesn’t see anything wrong with it, “I’m just taking notes for our future anyways”.
Definitely a personality manipulator.
What I mean by this is he knowingly uses his lazy and tired personality to manipulate you by subverting expectations and getting what he wants.
“How could I have been watching you sleep last night, I never miss a good night’s rest. You know that silly…”
When it comes to other people around you, will manipulate you to be with him at all times.
“I don’t think I like that person very much, they don’t really deserve to be around you. They’re kind of weird, don’t you think hehe…”
If the person persists, will scare them off with his dragon form.
Doesn’t like killing people often, too messy, and it takes forever to clean up but eventually will do it if the person crosses the line with you.
If they get caught killing someone by you, will keep manipulating the situation into getting you to admit they deserved it and how he loves you oh so much.
“Don’t worry sunshine, they deserved it by the way they look at you. I’m the only one who’s allowed to look at you like that right?” 
“You know I love you, right love-bug? This is all for you…”
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yandere-1-fandom · 1 year
An Extraterrestrial Disaster!
After a malfunction onboard her spaceship, astronaut Y/F/N awakens from a 300-year cryosleep to find herself in an alien temple on a distant planet far from Earth. She is both awed and terrified to discover that she has become the central figure in an ancient tribal war between extraterrestrial beings: four-armed, four-eyed alien primates called the Macaquar.
Their society is divided into two factions: The Surya, led by the charismatic and cunning Sun Wukong, who venerate the sun; and the Nyx, led by the wise and stoic Liùěr Míhóu, who pay their respects to the moon. The two factions are at a constant war, their rivalry fueled by their mutual obsession with Y/N, whom they believe is the Goddess of Light prophesied in legends.
While Y/N had been encapsulated in her hibernation pod, referred to by the Macaquar as the 'Crystal Egg', generations of leaders from both factions have struggled to free her, convinced that a matrimonious union with the Light would bring eternal prosperity to their clan. Y/N's sudden awakening has only intensified their infatuation and power struggle.
Y/N's only friend is A.N.G.E.L., her intelligent, fish-like AI companion; who managed against all odds to survive the crash. A.N.G.E.L. is not only her guide in this foreign land, but also her only possible chance of escape.
As Y/N navigates this strange world and it people, she learns more about the root of their conflict, and in a twist of fate, Y/N discovers hidden secrets that might ultimately save her or end in bloodshed.
In the midst of her daring plan, Y/N finds that both Sun Wukong and Liùěr Míhóu infatuation with her adds more opposition on her journey for freedom.
Will Y/N escape the clutches of obsession?
Will she become forever trapped as a pawn in someone else's game?
The fate of an entire civilization and her own hangs in the balance.
I'm finally set on the idea of making this into a story. I don't know how long it will be, but i'm gonna try... key word there.
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Cursed Warlord AU - Reader & MK Talk
Might make this canon to au... Not sure yet. The scene just would not leave my head.
Summery: After the journey Reader is sent back to her world, and both of the warlords believe she is dead. They are married and raise Xiaotian when they find his egg, the small amount of chaos energy reminds them of Reader. And he has powers similar to both Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque.
He is able to convince his dads to let him live in the city. It takes years but he convinces them and works at Pigsy’s noodles meeting a young woman named Reader who is now his co-worker. Someone who just moved into town a few months before him.
He gets into a fight with his dads about them wanting him to come back but he doesn’t want to live on the Mountian. Because of this he is sitting on top of the restaurant when Reader finds him.
“MK?” You call out in confusion when you first noticed his feet dangling off of the roof.
It had shocked you to see the young man curled up with a look of defeat across his face. His arms crossed over his chest as he pulled his knees up to his chest as you made your way out of his apartment window to get to him. You had to borrow a key from Pigsy just to get through the window.
“What do you want?” He grumbled not looking at you as he stared up at the night sky.
You remained silent for a moment before sitting down next to him. Looking down you noticed the fall would probably hurt so you crossed your legs and sat just a little bit away from the edge. You knew something was wrong but for the life of you, you couldn’t figure it out.
“Are you alright?” You questioned, looking out at the stars not wanting to pressure him.
“What do you care?” He bit back a frown setting on his face as he turned to face you, but it relaxed when he noticed how calm you looked.
“I care about my friends, and you’re my friend. We’ve been through quite a bit you know, you saved me from the Spider Queen, and you stopped that one demon from courtnapping me remember. Is it so confusing to think that I care about you?” You chuckled awkwardly unsure of what he meant with his question.
Mk’s eyes widened in shock, he hadn’t thought of that. Then a frown set back on his face, you only cared because he helped you. Why was that disappointing? His parents were right, they were the only ones who loved him unconditionally. No one else cared-
“Then again, I cared before then. You’re a cheerful person it’s no wonder that everyone cares about you so much,” You laughed fondly before finally looking him in the eyes.
His eyes were wide with shock, “Not everyone cares about me,” He finally bit back.
“That’s true, there will always be people that won’t care. Every person is different… but you do have a lot of people who care about you. Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Mo, you’ve got Mei always hanging out with you, haven’t you also befriended Redson?” You teased about Redson causing Mk’s face to flush. You knew full well of the crush he developed on the Second Demon Bull Prince. “Redboy is also someone who has been hanging around without trying to kill anyone you know.”
“…Yeah. There are people who care,” He mutters lowly. “But why?”
You glanced at him before staring up at the stars again. You thought it over, the silence slowly becoming tense as Mk waited for a reason. Some real reason that people cared about him, that they would truly want to be his friend.
“I can’t say,” You respond finally and Mk felt his chest tighten, there was no good reason was there.
“Well I can’t say why THEY care,” You emphasize before looking at him again with a smile.
Looking at you with a calm look he waited again, even though he wanted to run away so he didn’t have to listen to any more of this. It hurt, he didn’t want to listen about what he did to EARN their affection. He just wanted to be loved for who he was, he wanted people to care for him without them asking for something in return. But regardless he couldn’t bring himself to move so he sat there listening to you speak. Each word made him freeze.
“I can tell you why I care though. I care because you’re you. I care because you’re MK. I care because you are a good person. I care because no matter what I know you try to do what is right even when others try to push you down or push you in a different direction,” You explain hoping that he could feel the sincerity of your words.
He stared at you wide eyes for a moment before asking, “But- But what if I wasn’t a good person? What if I got pushed down? What if I got sent the wrong way?”
“Why does that matter?” You asked in response after a moment of silence.
“What? Why would it not matter?” He bit back tears flooding his eyes.
“It doesn’t matter because you ARE a good person. Because you GET BACK UP when you get pushed down. Because you turn around when you get pushed the WRONG WAY. Mk listen life is full of ups and downs, there will always be something that will test you in one way or another. I don’t know what is going on but… no matter what, you know I care about you. Even if you don’t KNOW that, I do, I care about you just like your other friends care about you,” You hope that’s the right thing to say, even though it didn’t make complete sense… You weren’t very good at this were you?
Mk stared at you thinking, what was wrong? What was wrong was the fact his parents didn’t think he was old enough to live in the city. What was wrong was his parents wanting him to go back to the island. What was wrong is that they continued to try to protect him when he didn’t need it. He moved to the city to prove he could do SOMETHING for himself, and he had… he had done many things for himself. He fought the Demon Bull King, The Spider Queen, many other demons, he had made a living for himself, he had saved lives and he had survived against threats of all kinds.
Even after all that his parents still didn’t see him as an adult they still didn’t see that he was loved and cared for while actually getting the freedom to CHOOSE what he wanted to do. He could feel the tears building in his eyes, he knew that this had nothing to do with thinking that the others didn’t care for him, he knew they did. He just wanted his parents to see that as well.
“My parents… they want me to move back home,” He barely let out the whisper, letting out a choked sob, he didn’t want to go back. It hadn’t even been six months and they wanted him to come back. “But I don’t want to go back. I want to stay HERE.”
“Do- Do you not get along with your parents?” You begin with a frown, suddenly worried for his actual mental health.
“It’s not that! It… I just…They make me feel so trapped like I can’t do anything without them. But I can! I can do things without them… I just wish that they could see that,” He almost yelled trying to calm down while still being upset. “I-It almost makes me… hate them! I- I just don’t know what to do anymore!”
“… Have you told them that?” You asked curiously.
“What!? NO! I could never tell them any of that, they would never take it well. They… they wouldn’t even listen I’m sure,” He growled out thinking back to their last argument.
‘You wanted to see the city and you have, now it’s time to come home. Where it’s safe,’ his baba’s words echoed through his own glamoured six ears, he didn’t want to think about it. He just wanted them to listen to him for once!
You sat in silence for a moment before finally saying, “…How will you know if you don’t tell them?”
Mk didn’t respond at first as he took deep breaths. He wouldn’t know their reactions unless he actually said something would he? But these were HIS parents, the same ones who want him to train more, to stay by their side and become a warlord like them. He didn’t want that, he didn’t want to be a warlord, he wanted to be a hero, someone people would actually look at without fear or hatred.
“I just do… They just want me to stay with them like… like some child!”
“They want to protect you…” You muttered thinking back on your own experiences, when you were trapped, when you had no where you could turn to except for the ones who held you prisoner. You had been a Queen but you didn’t have freedom, and freedom was something that you valued highly in life. “But you feel trapped with how they do it? Is that right?”
“Something like that…” Mk curled up again silently letting some tears freely fall down his cheeks.
“I’ve been through that once…” You had been trying not to think about them, but how could you not? You had returned to the world they resided, one wrong move and they would find you. You had already left them three times and each time they got more and more desperate to keep you close. You weren’t sure how to tell Mk that, especially since his parents probably weren’t world dominating Warlords like your husbands were.
“You have?” Mk sounded disbelieving.
“Yeah… I… I was married once or still am… I think. Anyways, I was married and my husbands were… well they were powerful warriors and known far and wide. They hated when I would get in danger and every chance they got they would drag me back to their home. They didn’t want me to leave because they were afraid of what would happen,” You explained hoping to give him some comfort in knowing he wasn’t alone.
"So what? You think I should.... Just go back?" he asked slowly before scoffing.
"No. Nothing will excuse a person's actions. I'm saying that there are reasons, reasons that show how much they care about you. Maybe if you spoke with them and told them exactly how you feel... They might listen, after all they do care about you,” you said as you pulled him into a hug," May be they would listen to him like Sun Wukong and Macaque didn't listen to you.
MK thought about it, maybe just maybe they would listen to him. There was a chance, it was small, his parents never did like when he was in real danger. He just couldn't live his life on the island like he has been. He wanted...he craved...he needed freedom.
"Did you... What happened to your husbands?" MK finally asked.
"Well... It's a long story," you start but decide to sum it up, sort of. “But they think I'm dead.”
"What? Who are your husbands?"
"Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque."
As always comments and likes are greatly appreciated. Opinions? Send them my way. If you have criticism also let me know, just don’t be rude about it (Though I haven’t had any RUDE criticism. In fact all that I’ve gotten are helpful opinions which I greatly enjoy!)
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cupids-archives · 8 months
Valentine event (8) with Azure Lion from lmk
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જ⁀➴ (8) arrows, : “I’m willing to do anything to keep you with me”. 。・:*:・゚ᰔ: contains, yandere content, implied character death, kidnapping,
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ʚ♡ɞ˚: your head burned, skin sore and you could feel your body aching and giving up, but you continued to run. every time your feet touched the grassy floor, pain stung into you like no other. you’ve been pushing yourself knowing this is the only way to get away from him, from azure.
luckily, you haven’t been running without lost, you wanted to reach your old village, the place you called home and the only way you could be happy. you knew that you couldn’t stay there for long but you could find some pointers and maybe say goodbye or take some of your close family with you.
when you reached the towns gate, you cried. wet salty tears falling down your face in your freedom, when you were let in and shown to your parents. you didn’t even care about the messy state you were in, hugging your family members though your body was was ached and your sores and feet bloody.
“sweetheart”, they asked. “where did you go where were you”.
you told them your story, how you were taken because this higher being was infatuated with you, how you were stripped of your humanity and dignity, and how you were told to that you guys belonged together. but you escaped, he was hurt and was planning something and you took the moment to run.
your family seemed, scared. they knew that you weren’t safe, so they asked you to go to bed and they will figure everything out, you were too tired to fight back, to tell them what to do, you couldn’t save them.
and when you woke, your family was gone and the only thing remained was fire. you sat up urgently in your bed, your former room enveloped by flames, you quickly ran through the house, coughing but still searching for your parents throughout the remains, before you knew you were yanked out the house, someone pulled you and when you looked you saw it was one of your old friends. he had knew you were in the house and come to save you.
“where are my parents!” you screamed, he looked at you sadly, “the entire village is in flames, if there not in there, I don’t know.” tears started to flow again, your throat swelled up and you couldn’t believe this. but then, it got worse, you heard a voice from behind you. soft, but demanding. a voice you recognized to only be azures.
“darling, I finally found you!” you were pulled in a tight hug, “I’m sorry about your village but I needed to find you, to keep you safe.” you felt like screaming but nothing came out, you looked at your old friend who turned to you in fear, but ran in terror, but you knew it was going to be towards his death. you had done this, you. you in a way to get your own five minutes of freedom, and now he had killed your family, he had burned your village to the ground. and now he is the reason you have no home.
the light you had was finally extinguished. and is replaced by unruly fear and anger.
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request are open !! :3
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